Friday, July 16, 2010

Preschool Arrival and Departure

You can help in several ways to make your child’s arrival and departure from school go smoothly. First, allowing enough time in your morning schedule to get ready for school in a
relaxed, unhurried manner can help get the day off to a good start. Second, plan to arrive at school on time – not too late or too early. Lastly, you can help prepare your child by letting them know that they will be walking into the classroom with the teachers and classmates. Reassure them that you will
return to pick them up at the end of class.

When preschool begins, the teacher and the aide will come outside to the front doors of the building. We will have the children line up on the sidewalk and we will walk the children around to the side door of the church and go into the
preschool. (In the event of poor weather, we will enter through the front doors.)

Please keep your child with you until you see the teachers. If you happen to arrive after the other children have gone in, please walk your child around to the side door, and ring the doorbell. For safety reasons, the doors will be locked when the children are led into the building each morning.

At the end of the day, the teachers will lead the children out the side door to the front of the church and dismiss each child to a parent or approved pick-up person. We appreciate your promptness in picking up your child each day.

Important: If your child is to ride home with someone other than a parent, please be sure to send a written note to the teacher. For safety reasons, no child will be permitted to leave with anyone except his/ her parent without permission.

Since most children adjust more easily to the group when a parent is not present, we kindly ask that parents wait to schedule classroom visits until after the first few weeks of school. After the adjustment period, we would like to
encourage parent visitors and volunteers.

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