Friday, July 16, 2010

Class Parties

Special parties will be held to celebrate Halloween, Christmas,
Valentine’s Day, and Easter. A special end-of-the-year activity may also be planned. Parent volunteers are needed to provide snacks, drinks, party favors, games, etc. If you are able to come and help or donate items for parties, please fill out the Parent Volunteer form or see the teacher. Since preschool parties are for the enjoyment of class members, we ask that parents plan not to bring younger children. If this presents a problem for you, please see the teacher. Last year we asked a 3’s mom to baby-sit for the 4’s party and a 4’s mom to baby-sit for the 3’s party. Please indicate on the Parent Volunteer form if you are interested in helping in this way.

*We would like to request that parents encourage children to do activities with the class even when parents are present at the parties.

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