Friday, July 16, 2010

Field Trips

Several field trips are planned during the school year for which we will need parent volunteers for transportation. A General Field Trip Permission form will be signed by parents at the beginning of the school year. The specific location, date, and time for each field trip will be announced in the monthly newsletter/calendar. Since field trips are arranged for the benefit of class members and because parent volunteers will be busy chaperoning our class, we kindly ask that parents plan not to bring other children. If you do not want your child to participate in a field trip, please keep him/ her home that day. Any parent willing to help drive on a field trip is welcome. Field trips will begin after September. Any children not
behaving appropriately and who are therefore a danger to themselves or others during field trips will be required to be accompanied by a parent or adult on all future field trips.

During field trips we expect the children to participate in the activities and follow all preschool rules even if their parent is present. Some children tend to get bashful when parents are around, remind your child that you will not be able to attend future field trips if they do not participate when you are
present. *During field trips it is important for us to remember to be respectful of the speaker and listen (this includes parents) and to keep our hands at our sides and only touch things when asked.

* We encourage you to dress your child in preschool t-shirt or sweatshirt for field trips.

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