Friday, July 16, 2010

Parent Conferences - Classroom Visits - Parent Volunteers


    After the first month of school, parents are welcome to visit the classroom anytime. Because the teacher’s primary responsibility is to the students, do not expect a conference during class time. However, you may make prior arrangements and the teach will be happy to meet with you before or after class time during office hours. When you need to call the teacher at home, please call before 9:00pm. **Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in the Spring.


    Parents and grandparents are encouraged to become active in our preschool program. We need volunteers to:
  • Help with Parties
  • Donate items for class parties
  • Drive for field trips
  • Assist student with computer lessons in class(no experience necessary!)
  • Visit class to share an occupation, craft, talent, etc
  • Assist with special projects
  • Arrange field trips to their place of business
  • Donate items such as books, toys, puzzles, etc
  • Read aloud to the class
  • Help with bulletin boards
  • Other: Please let us hear your ideas

If you would like to be involved in any way, please fill out the Parent Volunteer from or contact the teacher.

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