Friday, July 16, 2010

Miscellaneous Information

  • School Pictures will be taken in October.
  • When sending money to school, please send it in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and the purpose of the money.
  • Please place any correspondence for the teachers in your child’s folder each day.

  • There are several ways you can help us maintain the best possible teaching atmosphere for your child:

  • Communicate any concerns regarding our program or your child immediately to staff.
  • Read the notices and information left for you in your child’s folder.
  • Look at your child’s papers/projects daily. Their work is very important to them and provides another means of communication between parent and child and helps the parent share in the child’s day.

In order not to confuse school toys with a child’s personal property, we ask that children only bring playthings from home on their show and tell day.

Things you can work on with your child at home:

  • Sharing
  • Cleaning Up
  • Recognizing colors, shapes, numbers and letters
  • Cutting with scissors
  • Buttoning, snapping, zipping and tying

    Please feel free to share your questions, ideas or concerns with the teacher. We hope the Mt. Pleasant Preschool experience will be exciting for you and your child.

    God Bless,
    Mt. Pleasant Preschool

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